25 years European Network of the Academies of Sports – Programme

30th and 31th May 2024, Brussels
Dear members, dear colleagues,
Our members’ meeting will be organized at the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU, rue Belliard 65, 1040 Brussels.
30 th May 2024
until 12:00 Arrival
12.00 Lunch
Conference pass 1
Walk to the European Commission
Sacha Velkeneers, Chair of the Belgian EU Presidency Sport
- The Future Work-plan of the EU in Sport
- Working Program under Belgian Presidency
- Preview of Sport Policy under Hungarian Presidency
Florencia Van Hout, EU Commission delegate
- The main challenges of Sport Policy in Europe
Folker Hellmund, Director of the EU Office of European Olympic Committees
- The challenges of the European Sport movement in the future
Celebration of the 25 anniversaries of the European Network of the academies of sport and 28 th anniversary of the European interregional pool of Sports
31 th May 2024
8:00 Breakfast
Walk to the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU, rue Belliard 65, 1040 Brussels
Conference pass 2
- Exchange over the Erasmus + Project physical and social stimulating environments for more physical activity and sport participation for EU girls – Sebaastian Platvoet – HAN
- Transfert of ideas from Ystad program by Hendrik Langen – LSB Niedersachsen
- New director of academie of trainers Cologne – Lothar Linz
Conference pass 3
- ENdAS network discussion – future issues and next steps
- Listing of contact persons in the different institutions
- Contact address for invoice
- Mr. Kurt Rathmes – MDG FB Sport
- Mr. René Fiehler – ESAB Brandenburg
- Mr. Christian Andrae – ESAB Brandenburg
- Mrs. Anne Brüll – Leitverband ostbelgischer Sport
- Mr. Olivier Esser – MDG Fb Sport
- Mr. Martijn Kamper – HAN University of Applied Sciences
- Mrs. Katerina Kralova – Palestra University Prague
- Mr. Hendrik Langen – Landessportbund Niedersachsen
- Mr. Sebastiaan Platvoet – HAN University of Applied Sciences
- Mr. Arkadiusz Zagrodnik – Dolnoslaska Federacja Sportu
- Mr. Roger Königs – INAPS Luxemburg
- Mrs. Sandra Heck – INAPS Luxemburg
- Mrs. Marta Stępień-Słodkowska – Uniwersytet Szczeciński
- Mr. Bartosz Słodkowski – Uniwersytet Szczeciński
- Mr. Georg Bernarding – Europäische Sportakademie Trier
- Mr. Marco Fusaro – Bildungswerk Trier